Food Safety Certification in Surrey

Food Safety certification in Surrey is available through our provider in the city, over two levels of FOODSAFE courses. FOODSAFE is the training program mandated by the British Columbia regulations for all food establishments. The BC Center for Disease Control and the BS Health Authorities require all food establishments to have employees trained in food safety; at least one employee every shift.

What problems are available for Food Safety Certification in Surrey?

FOODSAFE training is always offered in two levels, the first for service workers and the second for managers and owners. The first level of training covers food preparation, storage, service, and overall sanitation and safety for first-level service workers. First-level includes workers who handle food directly, such as cooks, servers, and dishwashers.  In order to enroll in second-level training, workers need to take the first-level program first.

FOODSAFE level 1 runs for eight hours long. Students can choose to take the program through a face-to-face classroom experience, online through a virtual classroom, or by correspondence. 

FOODSAFE level 2 runs for 12 hours long, requiring students to take first-level training as a prerequisite. Like the first level course, students can choose to take the program in a classroom, online, or by correspondence. 

Will I receive certification after training of Food Safety Certification in Surrey?

Certification is awarded to all students who finish the FOODSAFE training programs. These certificates are valid for only five years and can be renewed through a refresher class. Refresher classes serve as updates for level 1 and 2 food safety programs. Any student, even if his or her certificate is still valid, can enroll in a refresher course if he or she wants to.

Refresher class are three hours long and cover new updates in food safety and essentials part of level 1 training.

How does online and by correspondence training work?

Online training is a popular choice for students who are unable to clear enough time from their home schedule to go to class everyday. The online program is conducted through a ‘virtual classroom’ experience, meaning students interact with their trainers through the internet and submit all requirements through our website or e-mail.

By correspondence means a student completes the course at his or her own pace, submitting requirements and reading over course materials at no specific schedule. However, correspondence classes must be completed in six months from registration, or request an extension (usually only 2 months).

I work in food service. Am I required to get FOODSAFE training?

The FOODSAFE program is not mandated by the BC and Surrey Health Authorities – meaning a worker is not required to take FOODSAFE training before applying to jobs. However, the health authorities do mandate all food establishments to have a few workers trained in FOODSAFE, so you may be required by your employer to get certified.

 Did You Know?

Food establishments that are covered by the Food Premises Regulation are:

  • Bed and breakfasts (B&Bs)
  • Food banks
  • Kitchens used by caterers
  • Assisted living residences (ALRs)
  • Slaughter establishments
  • Premises that  sell food, such as groceries, restaurants, fast food joints

All of these places have to abide by the BC Public Health Act enforced in Surrey.

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