Food Handling Certification – Basic Practices you must adhere to before Earning the Certificate

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Food Handling Certification
Food Handling Certification

In the environment and health department of any state food safety issues command higher priority than most other issues. The health board of states enforces the requirement of food handling certification from all employees and management in the food service industry. This action is in response to the former high rate of victims of food-borne illness which has reduced drastically over the years.

It is only wise for everyone as an individual to make moves such as acquiring the food handling certificate to reduce the amount of victims of food illnesses caused by poor food handling procedures. Practicing safe food handling and storage procedures reduces the possibilities of bacterial infection in the food we eat.

Below are some tips from food handling certification course which the department of agriculture, public health board or food and drug administration of most countries and states approves.

  • Shopping for grocery at the stores.

Avoid shopping in convenience stores, supermarkets and restaurant that are not sanitized. In order to be certain, you can ask questions about their food handling practices. A majority of them will be more than happy to have a discussion with you about their food handling practices especially if they do especially if they do practice safe food handling.

  • Be sure of what you want to eat.

If for any reason you are not comfortable with you are being served in the restaurant or fast food restaurant, do not eat it or even purchase the food item. Also, makes sure that the dairy product in containers is not damaged in any way. Inspect them to make sure that they are not busted or leaking from the package. Any sign such as licking, burst or decoration in the food item might as well mean the food is contaminated.

  • Store food in appropriate temperature at all times.

Dairy products must be stored in the refrigerator after purchase, as well as animal, poultry, vegetable and fruit products. Storing these food products in the right environment and at the right temperature protects them from bacterial infection.

  • Always separate food items.

Each food item must be separated from a different food item. Therefore, store raw food products such as animal, seafood, poultry, and vegetable and fruit products in separate environment and at appropriate temperature. When storing leftovers, make sure that they are in a covered container before placing them in the refrigerator. Separating each food item from another prevents cross-contamination between them.

  • Avoid storing food for a long period of time.

Food especially leftovers should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.

  • Avoid overstocking the refrigerator.

When the refrigerator is too full, the temperature increases and does not allow the cool air to circulate as it should. Hence, food in it will get contaminated.

  • Wash hands always.

Even though this seems like common sense, a lot of us are still

negligence to the fact that we need to wash our hands before, during and after handling food. It is a basic rule and must be practiced at all times, even when you have a short break while cooking or preparing food.

These and more are basic practice you must master and adhere to before you can earn the food handling certification.

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