Thunder Bay is known for having the best food safety training program in food safety in Thunder Bay. We offer different training levels on food safety, each with its own corresponding certification/credentials. Food service workers (not just in Thunder Bay) are responsible for getting food safety training, and the law requires food establishments to ensure that their staff is trained (and a number of them certified).
Enrolling in a Thunder Bay program is easy. You can visit our website; we have made a form you can fill up on the website (no downloads anymore!). Don’t forget to click submit to make sure we receive your request. We follow up on requests and e-mails during regular business hours (expect a reply during that time!).
What’s the big deal with food safety?
Food safety is one of the major concerns of the Thunder Bay local health authorities. There are laws in place that regulate all food facilities in the city. They are required to train a number of staff members in food safety, and for a certified member to be present at all times in the facility. The certified member has to get trained in a sanctioned training program (the very one offered at Thunder Bay First Aid).
Food safety is a concept that involves the entire food handling process. From the first moment food is first handled (raw products to final product), the food service worker should practice food safety techniques – up to packaging, selling, and/or dishwashing.When food safety concepts and techniques are not followed and performed, there is a big chance that the finished product is contaminated and unsafe for consumption. This is how people get infected with foodborne illnesses.
Watching out for foodborne illnesses
Foodborne illness is more commonly known as food poisoning in today’s society. You can get infected by it by ingesting food that has been contaminted with bacteria or chemicals – and usually, though diseases are caused by different microorganisms, the signs and symptoms across different FBIs are the same or similar.
If you have ingested contaminated food, expect to experience any (if not all) of the following – (1) nausea, (2) vomiting, (3) diarrhea, (4) abdominal pain/cramps, either in the epigastric or umbiical region, (5) appetite loss – from as early as an hour to six hours after ingestion.
Getting food safety training at Thunder Bay First Aid
Food safety training is offered in two levels. The first level is for food service workers who directly handle food. This is a basic course targeted towards frontline workers and anyone interest in food safety. You don’t have to work in the food industry to get basic training – parents, teachers, office workers – all are encouraged to apply for a program. The basic course will cover skills and techniques used in everyday food handling.
The second level is advanced training targeted towards supervisors. Though it targets supervisory staff, as long as you are certified for first level food safety, you may also enroll for the advanced second level training. The advanced program focuses on management concepts, needed in running a food facility.